Is Goat’s Milk Low FODMAP?

Goat’s milk may not be the first type of milk that pops to mind but it provides not only a great alternative to cow’s milk but goat’s cheese also provides the basis for some delicious cheeses. But is it low in FODMAPs?

Is Goat’s Milk Low FODMAP? No, goat’s milk is not low FODMAP as it contains levels of lactose which is not a low FODMAP ingredient.

Goat’s Milk on a FODMAP Diet

Milk can be problematic when it comes to food intolerances and digestive issues and goat’s milk is the same as any type of dairy milk. This includes both sheep and cow’s milk.

All of these are high in lactose which is a FODMAP. Milk, in particular, contains very high amounts of lactose which is why you shouldn’t have any at all. Even in very small serving sizes goat’s milk has been shown to contain large amounts of lactose.

One thing to note is that goat’s milk does contain very slightly less lactose than cow’s milk but don’t let this fool you into thinking it might be okay.

The difference in lactose amounts is minimal and makes almost no difference to your FODMAP diet. Luckily you can still enjoy milk-like products and drinks that don’t contain lactose. 

Is Goat’s Milk IBS-Friendly?

Although goat’s milk is not low FODMAP, it can be suitable for people suffering from IBS providing that they’re not lactose intolerant. Goat’s milk should be slowly and gradually introduced to your diet to see if it leads to any stomach bloating or issues.

Low FODMAP Alternatives to Goat’s Milk

When it comes to finding an alternative to goat’s milk, your best bet is to stick to milk that has had the lactose removed or non-dairy types of milk.

Unfortunately even this can be a tricky selection of products to navigate because even non-dairy types of milk can contain FODMAPs! Here are a few alternatives for you to consider:

Soy Milk
Soy milk can be low in FODMAPs if you make sure you pick one that is made from soybean protein. You will still need to keep your portion sizes within the recommended amounts and you should avoid whole soybean milk because this is higher in FODMAPs.

When you find the right soy milk you should make sure your portions are within 250 ml a portion.

Almond Milk
Almond milk can be low in FODMAPs despite almonds being moderate to high in FODMAPs. This is because there is very little almond content in almond milk, only about 2% of the average brand is almonds.

The rest is made up of water and other ingredients. You should still be careful as it does contain some FODMAPs so keep your portions to portions around 125ml. 

Coconut Milk
Coconut milk is a delicious alternative to lactose heavy types of milk. It adds a wonderful flavour to your coffee or hot chocolate and can be used in your cooking to add creaminess and flavour.

It is also low in FODMAPs! There are two types that have been tested. UHT coconut milk and long life coconut milk. Both can be drunk or used in portions of up to 125ml.

Be careful you don’t overdo it though because even a small amount more can turn this low FODMAP milk into a moderate and then high FODMAP food.

Other Questions

Below are a few more common queries that often get asked when discussing whether or not it is possible to enjoy goat’s milk when following a low FODMAP diet:

Is Goat’s Cheese Low FODMAP?

If you love goat’s cheese then despite the high FODMAP containment of goat’s milk you may still be able to have a little goat’s cheese in your diet. Some goat’s cheeses can be eaten in small quantities of up to 40g.

Is Cow’s Milk Low FODMAP?

Traditional cow’s milk contains lactose in large quantities which is a FODMAP and makes it a high FODMAP food. If you can find no-lactose versions then you may well be able to use these instead. If not, you can opt for nut milk. 

Final Summary

Goat’s milk is one of those types of products that are best avoided when following a low FODMAP diet. It is high in FODMAPs and might make you feel unwell if you have any sensitivities to FODMAPs.

Luckily, there are a whole host of different types of milk that you can enjoy so you don’t have to miss out on your milky hot drinks, baking or even your cheese.

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