Are Potatoes Low FODMAP?

Potatoes are such a wonderfully diverse vegetable and can be so satisfying as part of a healthy meal. There is one problem, potatoes can be a little difficult on many diets and eating lifestyles. The rules are different depending on the diet.

By the time you get to eat in a low FODMAP way, it can be difficult to know what to eat.  So if you ware wondering, are potatoes low FODMAP, then you are not alone.

The Quick Answer

Potatoes are low FODMAP. As long as you keep your portions low you can eat potatoes as part of your low FODMAP diet. One serving should be about half a medium potato and as long as you use low FODMAP ingredients you can cook them however you enjoy them most.


Potatoes on a FODMAP Diet

Potatoes come in a lot of different varieties, but we will keep things relatively easy. When we talk about potatoes in this article, we are talking about any type. So any variety of red, white, baby or new potato is absolutely fine. This information should even work with sweet potatoes.

How you cook your potatoes is also something to be careful of. Whilst small portions of potatoes on their own are considered low FODMAP be careful on how you cook them and with what other ingredients because some oils, seasonings and other ingredients may not be low FODMAP.

Be extra careful if you are eating out and don’t be afraid to ask in restaurants the ingredients contained in the recipes. It would be best if you were sure you are not eating anything that could trigger any digestion problems.

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Recommended Potatoes Portion

No matter the type of potato, you should stick to portion sizes around half a medium potato. This equals about 75 grams which may not seem like a lot, but it is just enough for a healthy portion that gives you the satisfaction of these veggies.

How to Use Potatoes

Potatoes have so many uses as part of a healthy meal. Here are a few.

Mashed, Boiled or Roasted as a Side Dish – Sometimes the traditional recipes are the best. So if you enjoy a side of potatoes then keep on adding this to your meals. Mashed with butter or roasted with a little olive oil you can’t beat a traditional side dish.

Be careful if you do cook with oils as although most of these are considered low FODMAP they can still affect the gut, so this may be something you need to watch and see if it affects you.

Are Mashed Potatoes Low FODMAP

Baked as a Snack – Cut up your potatoes into thin slices and pop them on a baking tray. Sprinkle over your favourite low FODMAP seasonings and drizzle a little oil and bake in the oven. This should result in a healthy snack similar to crisps but so much more delicious because they are homemade.

Add Potatoes to a Low FODMAP Salad – Make your own potato salad. Cook and cut up your potatoes, add some suitable mayonnaise or dressing and pop them into your salad. This adds some extra texture and a lot of flavour to your salad.

Quick Summary

It would be a shame to have to give up potatoes, but luckily, you don’t have to! As long as you keep your portion sizes low, half a medium potato, or less, you should be fine.

Just make sure you are careful with any added ingredients when the potatoes are cooked. Some oils and seasonings can turn a low FODMAP meal into one that is high and can irritate your IBS and cause digestion problems.

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