Are Pancakes Low FODMAP?

Pancakes are a great treat for breakfast on a lazy morning and don’t forget we have pancake day to celebrate once a year! Baked goods and batters can often end up being high in FODMAPs which can make it difficult to know what to do.

So, let’s take a look and find out, are pancakes low FODMAP?

Pancakes are not low FODMAP. They contain dairy which contains lactose and are made with wheat flour. So is best to avoid traditionally made pancakes. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a pancake or two if you substitute these ingredients for low FODMAP versions.

Eating Pancakes on a FODMAP Diet

When you make up some pancake batter one of the largest ingredients used is milk which is high FODMAP in the amounts needed to make pancakes. The FODMAP that causes most of the problems is lactose.

However, there are also high amounts of FODMAPs in wheat flour too! 

You don’t need to worry too much though. If you can substitute both of these ingredients for a low FODMAP flour and a dairy alternative milk then you should still be able to enjoy pancakes along with the rest of your family.

Recommended Pancake Portion

For traditionally made pancakes we would recommend you don’t eat them at all. They are high FODMAP and even small amounts are likely to contain high levels of FODMAPs.

If you have chosen to make a low FODMAP version then you can enjoy a little but keep your portions to one or two pancakes and try not to go overboard and eat a whole stack!

Don’t Eat Store-Bought Pancakes! Instead, Make Pancakes with FODMAP-Friendly Ingredients

How to Use Pancakes

There are not too many uses for pancakes but here are a couple of times you may want to choose to make low FODMAP pancakes.

Make Low FODMAP Pancakes for Pancake Day

When it comes to pancake day you don’t have to worry about missing out. You can just make yourself some delicious low FODMAP pancakes instead. Instead of using wheat flour switch to a gluten-free version and use lactose-free milk instead of dairy-based milk.

Mix up your flour with a little baking powder, salt and your lactose-free milk and fry your pancakes as usual.

Make a Tasty Pancake Treat for Breakfast

If you like pancakes for breakfast then you don’t have to miss out. Instead of using your usual pancake batter mix substitute the milk for a lactose-free version and use gluten-free flour instead of wheat flour.

Other than this you can make your pancakes as usual! You probably won’t even notice a difference.

Make Savoury Pancakes

Not all pancakes need to be sweet. You could make yourself dinner with a difference and choose to have savoury pancakes instead. Almost any ingredients mix well with pancake batter!

Make up your pancakes and cook up some low FODMAP veggies to go with it. If you have a cheese or low FODMAP cheese you are happy with you could even sprinkle a little of this over the top too.

Low FODMAP Pancake Recipes

If you’re looking for delicious recipes containing pancakes that are low FODMAP then give these a go:

Other Pancake-Related Products

Pancakes don’t just come as ready-done in a packet so we’ve included a few more products that you may be interested in:

Is Readymade Pancake Batter Low FODMAP?

When it comes to readymade mixes then it’s best to stay safe rather than end up sorry and with digestive issues. Many of these pancake batters will be made using dairy and wheat which can make them high in FODMAPs.

Instead of using these readymade batter mixes make your own mix at home using low FODMAP ingredients.

Is Maple Syrup Low FODMAP?

Yes! Maple syrup is low FODMAP. You can learn more about how to use it and low FODMAP portions by clicking here.

Quick Summary

When you are following a low FODMAP diet and pancakes are being served it can be difficult to say no.

Whilst you may not be able to eat your usual pancakes you can always make up a batch of low FODMAP pancakes instead. You could even try them on your whole family. They may like them too!

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